Sunday 22 December 2019

Meeting my neighbours ★A CHRISTMAS STORY★ [1]

Hello! My name is Lena
I've recently moved to a little house surrounded by trees and nature. Actually, winter has come so it's been a little bit chilly out there.
I decided to start writing a diary because the reason behind moving out of that boring flat was to find inspiration, and a diary will be very helpful to keep track of my days. I'm a writer, I started earning some money with it lately but it's just the start of it.
My dream is to write a bestseller! Maybe too high of a goal, when I haven't even started a novel yet.
But I'm practicing slowly by doing some writing as a freelancer.

Today is Sunday. It's almost christmas. I was so excited about it and I already started decorating and buying some stuff for my entrance. It seems that these decorations attracted some of my neighbours to come to my house for the past few days.
 I gladly welcomed them in and we had some time together. 
It is seriously cold outside. I found a fireplace video to put on tv and it makes the living room feel more cozy. Maybe my new friends felt like that too.
One of them kindly brought a fruit cake. It was very good! I loved it. But some didn't even want to taste it. I wonder why...
After spending the afternoon chatting and knowing each other they all left and I used the time left before it got dark to finish some of my chores and do some writing. But I suddenly realized that it had been snowing! It was my first time to see snow here.
I had a good time by myself. But it was time to go back to work. I mean... this amount of christmas lights won't be paid by themselves. Am I right?
It has been a good day. I got to properly talk with some of my neighbours and I realized they can become good friends soon. It's finally time to sleep. 
What will tomorrow bring?

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