Wednesday 25 December 2019

WHO came today?! ★A CHRISTMAS STORY★ [4]

Christmas is here!!! Yay!! 
With all the skating and fireworks I forgot that my tree was yet to be decorated. So I put my best christmas clothes and got it done.
It's prettier than what I would have expected! The bright star on the top put it all together.
Some of my old and new friends came and I gave them their presents. I think some of them didn't really like them... but we enjoyed the moment anyway.
I finished the ham and we all ate and chat and even sang some christmas songs for the rest of the night...
But suddenly we heard some "ho, ho, ho" outside and it was Father Winter!! I can't believe it happened so soon. He must have been in a hurry and started earlier this year...
He gave me a present and I could even hug him. He also gave me his best wishes for my novel.
It's been crazy lately. But I'm grateful I got to meet such nice people and I'm sure next year will be amazing.
I'm starting my novel right on January, 1st. And I'm sure it will be a great one!!
Thank you for following me during my christmas days. And I hope you had an amazing christmas too. Good night and...
Let's spend the last days of the year with gratitude.
My best wishes for the new year!!

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